
Construction and bridge bearings, vibration absorbers, Lead-through and rubber seals

Usually in the construction industry, rubber is used for many purposes, one of the most important of these is to absorb vibration and sound in order to isolate the building from vibration and sound. Rubber is used for this purpose, because the rubbers are intrinsically elastic and have good absorption or separation of sound and vibration properties, this rubber property can be reduced or increased by making some changes in the properties of their compounds.

In general, for the construction of bridges, buildings constructed in vibration environments, for the purpose of isolating machines from their base, are basically used to absorb vibrations created in pipelines, to isolate motors from vibrations of a vehicle frame or body of automobile, for rails that should be separated from the crossties, and many of these types of cases are used for vibratory shielding applications.

In addition to the above, the rubbers as sound insulation or as impact zone cover are also used in construction as rubber sheets of sound insulation and impact insulation, for example, these insulating sheets for peeling drums is used in sawmills.

Rubber-sheet bearings

Multi-layer or single-layer or laminated rubber bearings are used to reduce vibration. These bearings are widely used for building bridges, underground structures, and also for the construction of steel structures. Generally, for bridges, the rubberized laminate bearings with vulcanized steel metal are used. The use of these bearings makes the structure of the bridge more reliable and the load entered into the bridge is directed directly to the bearings.

For example, one-layer bearings or Single-layer bearings can also be used to make applications that are used between concrete elements or iron constructions. These single-layer bearings actually help the building to maintain a high tension balance and prevent oscillations such as vibrations and noise when moving in the structure.

Vibration isolators

Mounting feet, vibrating separator rails, vibration isolation mattresses, cylinder isolators and damper are sub-sets and families of vibration isolation products. Typically, by determined of the purpose of the isolated and the type of isolator to be used, isolation and fastening devices is selected and used.

the best way to achieve the goal of our application, either is to remove vibrations from acoustic bridges, to prevent resonating, or even to actual isolation of vibration, is to use vibration isolators.

Lead-through and seals

The Vulcan Industrial Group has been producing rubber seals that are completely resistant to different weather conditions and many common chemicals that are perfectly suited for use in various industries. These seals are made in a wide range of different types of synthetic and natural rubbers.

Some of these types of seals are made using rubber materials and liquid silicone, which is extremely resistant to high temperatures. Keep in mind that according to the type of use and terms of use these types of seals are produced and therefore are produced in different sizes and models or different shapes, but what is shared among all our products is life Useful and convenient to use.

We tailor the product design according to the customer’s requirements and we always have this potential in our portfolio to use the technical know-how of Teknikum and the product development capabilities of our customers on the basis of the different requirements.

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