Slurry Pump


Slurry pump

Our definition of slurry can include any type of liquid that may be pure or mixed with some solid particles. Accordingly, the properties of fluid flow and its characteristics are precisely determined by the type of composition, size, shape and amount of particles associated with the nature of the transporting liquid.

Perhaps the design of the slurry pump is not very complicated compared to the design of other process equipment, but in any case, the mechanical design of this pump must be precise and reliable in all its details.

A large number of pump types can be used to pump the slurry. For this purpose, positive displacement pumps or some other types of pumps with special effect types can be used such as Venturi eductors, but the best and most commonly used pumps for slurry pumps are centrifugal pumps.

The slurry pump is referred to as a centrifugal pump that can handle very heavy, rigorous and abrasive pumping operations. All types of centrifugal slurry pumps work by centrifugal force that obtain their power for energy transfer by using a rotary impeller in the same way as clear liquid type centrifugal pumps.

In general, all slurry pumps have two main components:


Slurry, as described, has different types but generally these water fluids are classified based on the concentration of solids in them. If this Slurry contains 5% solids by weight, pumps for mine de-watering purposes are used, if they have 20% solids by weight, public pumps with general-purpose are used for their transfer, and if 40% of the solids by weight This slurry transfer from heavy pumps, and if it has 70% solids by weight, mines, minerals and sand pumps are used to transfer them. This is the Commercial classification for slurry pumps.

Another key feature in the classification of slurry pumps is their peripheral speed of the impeller. Based on the existing standards, the pump speed should be based on the type of stretch or abrasion classification so that it can provide service in a reasonable amount of time, depending on the amount of abrasion with the solids.

What is clear is that the best way to classify slurry pumps is to use the solids category used in various pump applications for this task. Slurry pumps perform pumping of solutions with solids up to 2 mm, such as mud, clay, silt, sand and gravel, and so on.

 Their size range is: clay and mud up to a minus size of 2 microns, Silt 2-50 microns sand, small size sand between 50 to 100 microns of sand, medium size between 100 to 500 microns of sand, coarse size between 500 to 2000 microns of sand and gravel In this case, the pump can cover up to 2 to 8 mm of liquid pumping with its strong cylinder.

Heavy pumps can pumping gravel loads up to 50 mm in size, and Dredge pumps can also pump slurry with solids in sizes greater than 50 mm.

Horizontal slurry pumps

Horizontal fluid pump is one of the most basic and most important pumps for wet mineral processing. Typically, where the drives and bearings are stored outside the slurry, the horizontal Slurry pumps are installed dry and”wet end” is always closed. The pump should always be empty of any fluid and liquid in surrounded and the pump should be installed separately and free standing.

Usually using a special arrangement using horizontal pumps with”wet end” (and bearings) for dredging operations. This activity requires some sealing and special sealing arrangements for the bearings required.

With a kind of shaft, the horizontal fluid pumps Impellers are supported that is in turn carried on anti-friction Using oil or grease, lubrication bearings are generally done. The propeller is always installed in most liquid pumps at the bottom of the shaft. The driven axle is usually also made up of belt buckles or a flexible coupling, which can either be driven by a gearbox or without a gearbox.

The diameter of the shaft in the axle seal D (mm), the length of the lining or L (mm), which starts from the wet end bearing tolerance to the center line of the impeller, is the main factor of the shaft or SFF’s flexibility factor that call SFF, which is L3 / D4 Is defined. In fact, this is the amount of sensitivity to the deviation, which plays a decisive role in the seal and its useful life. The usual SFF values are generally used for horizontal Slurry pumps 0.2-0.75.

Horizontal Pump types

  • Type XM = the pump is covered with extra metal parts and is used as an extra heavy slurry pump
  • Type XR = Pump covered with strong rubber parts and used as an extra heavy slurry pump.
  • Type HM = Pump covered with metal parts and used as a heavy Duty pump
  • Type HR = Pump covered with rubber parts and used as a heavy Duty pump
  • Type HG = Which is known as the Heavy Gravel Pump
  • Type HP = Pump with high pressure and high capacity
  • Type HT = Pump that is used for heavy tunneling
  • Type MM = Pump covered with metal parts and known as a Mining Duty Slurry Pump
  • Type MR = Pump covered with rubber parts and used as a Mining Duty Slurry Pump

Today, there are a wide range of heavy metal and rubber diesel pumps on the market that are known as an abrasive pump, and are used as liquid vertical pumps for heavy duty (HM, HR) or mining operations (MR, MM ) used.

The characteristics of these pumps include:

  • Very long life span
  • The metal or rubber casing is highly resistant to corrosion and wear
  • It has a thicker and thicker coating in known areas that have more wear.
  • It has a very good elastomeric property against wear
  • Their metal and rubber coated parts are capable of being replaced for a variety of applications
  • If necessary, the customer will be able to add specific optional materials
  • Precise selection with the highest quality and efficiency tailored to the type of application of the pump coating to withstand abrasion and environmental conditions.
  • To improve the wear resistance, the dual-centered dual adjustment feature is available
  • Fits for specific applications
  • Suitable for extraction of mineral minerals from mines
  • Highly abrasive slurries
  • SAG and AG capabilities for discharge recirculation duties
  • have a Cyclone feed
  • Mine refuse and tailings
  • Industrial processing
  • coal ash and power plant
  • Sand
  • Abrasive waste mines
  • Liquid transfer pumps in the plant
  • Pulp and paper
  • Lime fertilizer
  • Alumina
  • Fertilizer
  • acid inactivity






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